Welcome to our Nest


Bridget Hauff

Bridget has always had a passion for creating, from jewelry, to fine art & pottery. Her love of art led her into a career in teaching - she is currently a high school art teacher. Boutique Bird has been hosting sales and selling for many years, creating a wide variety of crafts, jewelry and home goods. As a Mom of two and full time teacher - finding time to create is a challenge - but the enjoyment Bridget finds from it becomes therapetuic and rewarding. She hopes you enjoy the things she creates as much as she enjoys making them!

Brianna Kunkel

Brianna developed a passion for capturing moments behind the camera at a young age. She enjoys helping families document their growth and joy through photography. She also has a keen eye for creating fun home goods and products that enhance your home and family & friend gatherings.

Boutique Bird & Brianna Bee